Stop Excuses, Work On Your Dreams!

When I was a child, and I was making excuses, I was always told, that my old aunt, died because she couldn’t find another excuse.

The truth is actually, When you don’t have anymore excuse, you have the ability to do everything.

Q) So who makes the most excuses about their misfortune ?

A) Some, blame their misfortune on religion, even that no religion, prevent anyone from getting up, and change your life.
The problem is not your religion. The problem is, you are to lazy to do anything about your situation.

So stop putting blame on slavery, religion, government or your ancestors, because it is your own fault, if you die poor.

I might be a bit hard in my words. However, if my hard words, make you wake up, and start changing, then I guess, it’s not that bad.

We can help you. However you have to be ready to change.

If you are ready to change, send me message in my WhatsApp +6591058663, or visit the link below👇

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